Several Sandites Grab Post-Season Honors – Presented by Tulsa Bone and Joint

Head coach Shelli Brown led the Lady Sandites to the OSSAA Regional Tournament thisseason and several players picked up some post-season honors including Addie Hugheswho grabbed Class 6A All-District as a pitcher, All-Region team as well as All-State honorsfor the East team.Here are the award winners for the 2024 fastpitch season. 6A All-DistrictsAddie Hughes PitcherBella […]
Q&A with Sand Springs’ Wrestler Rylee Allen – Presented by RibCrib

VYPE: Rylee, what grade are you in and how long have you been involved in wrestling?Rylee Allen: I am in 9th grade, and I started wrestling three years ago.VYPE: What have you enjoyed most about the sport?RA: Getting pushed to do my best. VYPE: What is the strength of your skill set and what have you […]
Q&A with Sand Springs’ Tessa Urrey – Presented by Fred Ballard Insurance

VYPE: Tessa, what grade are you this year and when did you start wrestling?Tessa Urrey: I am a junior, and I started wrestling my sophomore year.VYPE: What have you enjoyed most about the sport?TU: The thing I enjoy most is the discipline it has taught me, and that no matter what thatyou just have to […]