9 Questions with Golfer Max Maronek – Presented by Judge Hartin Oklahoma Farm Bureau Insurance

Max Maronek

Bixby High School

VYPE: Max, what grade are you in and how long have you competed in golf?

Max: I am a sophomore and have been playing golf for about three years.

VYPE: What area of your game did you improve the most?

Max: I worked on trying to improve my putting this year, as well as my distance off the tee. I plan on playing in several tournaments this summer to work on my game.

VYPE: Did your teammates enjoy the season as well?

Max: We had a great time this year as a team. We supported each other as we all tried to improve our game.

VYPE: What do you remember most about the season?

Max: Honestly looking back at the year as a whole, it is great to see the total amount of progress we made this year.

VYPE: How did the season go for you?

Max: This year was a lot of fun. We all put in a lot of work, and I’m looking forward to next year.

VYPE: Are you involved in other clubs or groups on campus?

Max: I am actively involved in the athletic advisory council, National Honor Society, and, of course, golf.

VYPE: What will the team look like next year?

Max: In the next couple of years, we should have a really strong team, and I look forward to seeing what we can do.

VYPE: What would you like to do after you graduate?

Max: After I graduate, I plan on attending college, and with any luck I may be able to play college golf somewhere.

VYPE: What is the message to your team and coaches for next season?

Max: My message to my teammates and coaches would be to keep practicing and putting in the hard work to achieve everything that I know we are capable of next year.