Sand Springs’ Tristian Birmingham – Football Spotlight – Presented by Alan Copeland Shelter Insurance

Tristian Birmingham’s journey in football is a testament to dedication and resilience. Born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tristian began playing football at the age of five. “I started playing football when I was five years old in the kindergarten for TYAA Bulldogs. What inspired me to play football was going out there having fun every day and just playing football.” His love for the game was nurtured by his mother and grandfather, who have been his biggest influences and supporters. “My biggest influence is my mom. She’s a big part of my life; she does it all. She always makes sure our family is healthy and happy. Another one is my grandfather. He’s my biggest supporter. He shows up to everything and makes sure I’m 100% every day.”

As a key player for Sand Springs High School, Tristian values the strong team chemistry that has developed over time. “Our team chemistry is amazing. Everyone knows what each person’s strengths are, and our quarterback Easton Webb knows when I’m getting to my spot on my route. Offensive line blocking for our running back Ali McCoy and where he’s going to go.”

Tristian’s goals for the season are clear and ambitious. “My goals and hopes for this season are to WIN. That’s the main focus for this season: take no team lightly. And as long as we win, get to the last game of the season and get a gold ball. That’s our goal: win a state championship!” 

Overcoming challenges has been a significant part of Tristian’s growth. “My most challenging moment was when I learned at Owasso, I have to work for what I want. Nothing is handed out or free, and I didn’t get to play varsity minutes at all. I learned from that, and it was very challenging, but I pushed through it and got better, and I’m happy with myself now!” A memorable experience from this season was playing against his former teammates from Owasso. “It was very fun and a great experience for me.”

Looking ahead, Tristian envisions a future in football or the Armed Forces. “I see myself playing college football or I’ll be serving in the Navy.” 

Outside of football, Tristian keeps himself busy with track, church, and studying film. “Outside of football, I keep myself busy in the most positive way possible.” He is proud of earning a starting spot his sophomore year and is grateful for the support from his family and coaches. “I’m mostly proud of myself being able to earn a starting spot my sophomore year and being somewhere where I can fit in and call it home. Just ready to play football now!”