Bishop Kelly’s Clint Jordan – Athlete Spotlight – Presented by Huntington Learning Center

Clint Jordan

Bishop Kelley

When you enter your senior year, it can be tough to stay completely focused on the task at hand, which is finishing your high school career strong. For Clint Jordan, a senior at Bishop Kelley, that task is made easier thanks to his desire to be the best student-athlete he can be.

Growing up in Tulsa, Jordan became a member of the varsity football team at Kelley and is now a linebacker for the Comets. The senior is a member of the wrestling team as well and Jordan said being around his teammates and competing makes the high school experience that much better.

“I enjoy being a part of the football and wrestling team as well as the phenomenal community at Bishop Kelley. I love that I can always count on my teammates to lift me up when I am down,” said Jordan.

In sports, athletes look for an edge. To be more prepared than the opponent. Jordan applies those same rules to the classroom, which is why he spent some of his summer at Huntington Learning Center.

“This summer I had to opportunity to partake in the Huntington Learning Center for my ACT prep, and I was able to increase my score tremendously in only a month,” said Jordan.

That increased score could be the difference between picking the college of his choice or settling for something else. Jordan said anyone serious about going to college should give HLC a try.

“I would recommend to any high school student looking to increase their standardized test scores. Some advice I would always give is to do your homework, the more you put in the more you are going to get out of it,” said Jordan.

The senior said his favorite class is speed and debate. Jordan hopes to one day attend Law School and follow in the footsteps of someone who has had a big impact in his life.

“My aunt who is a pilot and a lawyer has been my biggest supporter throughout the years and I hope to impress her one day by joining the field of law,” said Jordan.