Skiatook’s Kylie Garrison – Softball Spotlight – Presented by Floyd’s Barbershop

Kylie Garrison

Skiatook High School

If you needed to know what it means to be a Lady Bulldog, you could start with Kylie Garrison. Garrison has spent her high school career on the varsity softball team but has played the game much longer than that.

“I started playing softball when I was 10 years old, so I was in the 5th grade. I immediately knew softball was my sport as soon as I started playing, but before I even played softball, I did cheer for three years. I liked it, but as my brother got into baseball, I started to learn the sport, and quickly realized how I wanted to play softball,” said Garrison.

Known for her work ethic, Garrison said her desire for the team to succeed is why she works hard to help the team win.

“My work ethic has always come from wanting to do good for my team. You don’t gain anything if only you’re doing good when you’re losing a game. My biggest thing for me has always been I play for my team not myself. For my team I want to give my 110 percent on and off the field no matter what. Softball is a team sport for a reason, so playing for yourself won’t do no good,” said Garrison.

As the new season gets underway, Garrison said there are a lot of positives the Lady Bulldogs have in their favor.
“I can see some strong positives in our team this year already. We all enjoy playing the game together as a team. I’ve noticed that our team has started to play less selfishness and instead we play for each other. Confidence is the big key in softball, and I feel we have been gaining a lot of that throughout the team by all of us talking each other up if someone makes an error, or even in hitting cheering on our teammates that’s up to bat. Those are some of the positives I’ve noticed as the season is starting to approach,” said Garrison.

Her love for the sport and her teammates is obvious when talking to Garrison.

“I love my teammates most importantly because we’re a family. We spend basically everyday with one another and not to mention we’ve all grown up together in this small town. I love how we all will talk each other up even if someone makes an error. I love how we can be there for each other on and off the field too. If someone is going through some things, we always make sure one another is okay even if it doesn’t involve softball. At the end of the day, we all have each other’s backs,” said Garrison.

Garrison said she draws inspiration from her father.

“My biggest inspiration on and off the field has been my dad. He’s helped me grow into the young lady I am today and continues to help me grow as a person. My dad has always been my number one supported on and off the field and through everything,” said Garrison.