9 Questions with Cross Country Runner Rafi Huff – Presented by Beau Wilson -Hometown Insurance Agency

VYPE: Rafi, how is your junior season going now that the meets have started?   

Rafi Huff: Going great so far. Our first meet is at Sapulpa. I really like the course. I hear they changed it up this year, so I am looking forward to seeing how it’s different.  

VYPE: What is your favorite memory or moment as a runner for Charles Page?

RH: Getting to run with my teammates and getting to know them better. I have made some great friendships on the team.  

VYPE: Do you have a favorite subject in school and a favorite teacher? 

RH: Favorite subject is History, favorite teacher Mr. Cleveland.  

VYPE: What makes SSHS a great place for you as a student-athlete? 

RH: Coach Corbin is a great encourager and wants us to succeed not only as a XC athletes, but also as a person doing the right thing.

VYPE: Do you have a favorite place to run or a favorite meet to compete in? 

RH: My favorite place to run in Sand Springs is when we run down by the river. My favorite meet to compete in is OSU Jamboree. Go Pokes!

VYPE: Which teammate keeps everyone laughing? 

RH: Two comedians in our group are Kaden Ketcher and Kordell Hartman. Ketcher keeps us entertained with jokes on long runs. Kordell keeps everybody’s spirits high and in a good mood with his jokes. 

VYPE: Which teammate is the most serious?

RH: Nobody in XC is too serious. 

VYPE: How do you mentally prepare for competition?

RH: If I have run the course before, I try visualizing the course in my head and think about what my strategy is. When the start gun fires, I try to focus on my form and breathing and what I can control.     

VYPE: What’s the goal for life after high school? 

RH: My plan is to go to college, but I am not sure where I am going to attend.