VYPE: Jayelle, before we get to know you, tell me about your teammates. Who has the dirtiest uniform in softball and who talks the most on the basketball court?
Jayelle Austin: I would say that I always have the dirtiest uniform and Madi Hill talks the most on the court.
VYPE: You can only eat at one fast food place for the next 10 years, where are you going and what are you ordering?
JA: I would eat at Canes and order the 3-finger combo with an extra piece of bread.
VYPE: What is your all-time favorite movie?
JA: The Lion King is my all-time favorite movie.
VYPE: Which do you prefer; summer, winter, fall or spring and why?
JA: I prefer summer because I love being tan and I hate the cold.
VYPE: If you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you would buy?
JA: I would go on a shopping spree at American Eagle.
VYPE: Name three people you would want with you if you were stranded on an island and tell me why those three?
JA: I would want Katelynn Knight, Addison Drummond, and Tylen Edwards with me because they have been my best friends since we were little, and I’m always laughing when I’m with them.
VYPE: Name one teacher who has left an impression on you?
JA: My 9th and 10th grade teacher, Coach Desandre has left an impression on me because he was always someone I could talk to, and he would give good advice.
VYPE: What’s the most played song on your phone right now?
JA: My most played song right now is Best Part by H.E.R.
VYPE: What’s the best kept secret about Owasso?
JA: The best kept secret is that Baja Jacks has the best nachos.