By Byron Beers
VYPE: What goals do you have for this year in swimming?
Wyatt Freeman: This year’s only goal swimming-wise is to get on track to break some team records by the time I graduate. It’s my dream to have some high schoolers later on be pushing themselves to break my times.
VYPE: What has swimming taught you that you use in your daily life?
WF: One major thing being on the swim team has taught me is patience. Each long practice has helped prepare me for life outside of the pool.
VYPE: What’s your favorite part of being a swimmer?
WF: My favorite part about swimming is the relationships you are able to make, inside and outside your team.
VYPE: Who inspires you and why?
WF: One of the most inspiring people to my swimming career is my captain and friend Nolan Pardue. He pushes me to go faster and get better.
VYPE: What do you think is the biggest challenge in swimming?
WF: I think the biggest challenge in swimming is sticking with it long enough to reap the rewards of your hard work. Practices can get boring, but when you are behind the block at the state meet, it is all worth it.
VYPE: What do you think makes a great swimmer?
WF: A big thing that separates good swimmers from great ones is the ability to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
VYPE: Who in your family is the best athlete? Explain.
WF: Within my family, I am probably the most athletic.
VYPE: What’s one sport you wish you could play that you don’t already play?
WF: I wish that I could try rowing; it is very team based, and it’s mostly outdoors which would be great.
VYPE: What’s your go-to pregame song?
WF: My go-to pregame song would have to be “All My Life” by the Foo Fighters. It is very energetic, and it never fails to pump me up.