By Byron Beers
VYPE: What goals do you have for this year in soccer?
Lucas DeLong: Goals I have this year is to get better and enjoy myself.
VYPE: What has soccer taught you that you use in your daily life?
LD: Soccer has taught me to try my hardest in life.
VYPE: What’s your favorite shoe to use in soccer?
LD: My favorite shoe to use is my Adidas Predators.
VYPE: Who inspires you and why?
LD: Someone that inspires me would have to be my mom. She inspires me because of her attitude and outlook on life.
VYPE: What do you think is the biggest challenge in soccer?
LD: I think the biggest challenge one has to face in soccer is losing and accepting defeat.
VYPE: What do you think makes a great soccer player?
LD: Something that makes a great soccer player is having the ability to accept defeat and learn from it.
VYPE: Who in your family is the best athlete? Explain.
LD: The best athlete in my family is probably my dad. He was a great baseball player and even got a scholarship to play it at college.
VYPE: What’s one sport you wish you could play that you don’t already play?
LD: A sport I wish I would’ve played would be basketball.
VYPE: What’s your go-to pregame song?
LD: My go-to pregame song is “Headlines” by Drake.