Collinsville’s Kailyn Breeding – Softball Spotlight – Presented by Hopkins Funeral Services 

Kailyn Breeding 

Collinsville High School 

Softball is one of the more popular sports in Oklahoma. Girls at all ages are hitting the field and swinging the bat, eventually growing up to play at the high school level. That’s the story behind Kailyn Breeding of Collinsville High School. 

“I started playing softball when I was young, it runs in my family and so I thought it would be fun to play. I took a break from it when I was in about 4th grade, but still loved to watch my sister play. I started back up in 7th grade for school ball, and that’s when my love for the sport started to grow even more,” said Breeding. 

This year’s team is ready to take on a tough schedule and Breeding feels they are poised for a great season. 

“Me and my teammates are very close, and we played together well last season, I’m excited to see what this year’sseason holds for Collinsville softball. My teammates and I have such great relationships and I love hanging out with them even off the field, I would call them some of my best friends,” said Breeding. 

As a student-athlete at CHS, Breeding is focused on her classroom work first and her future in college.

“Collinsville’s athletic program has been growing over the past couple years I would say. It is a great program to be a part of and their academic program is also very great as well. We have the best coaches and teachers in the community. My dream for after high school is to move to the beach and go to school there and get a degree in dentistry,” said Breeding. 

Breeding said she finds inspiration in her family and one particular family member who has made a big impact in her life. 

“I would have to say that my biggest inspiration is my Grandpa Jeff (G-Pa) he always pushes me to do the best I can and to glorify the lord while doing it. My G-Pa and my parents have always taught me to put in as much effort and work into my sports.” 

Breeding said she would love for the team to make it to regionals and eventually the state tournament this season.