BTW’s Parker Wilson – Baseball Spotlight – Presented by Midwest Sporting Goods

From a young age, Parker Wilson had a group that he wanted to be a part of. But it was not a group that you just joined, you had to earn your way and prove yourself to be able to wear the uniform. Now, as a part of that group, Wilson does not take it for granted at all.

“Growing up, I always wanted to be a Booker T. Washington Hornet,” he stated. “The tradition and pride at our school is unmatched. I enjoy wearing the Hornet logo and appreciate being a part of something bigger than myself.”

Parker is a senior that pitches, and plays first and third base for the Hornets’ baseball team. He also plays summer ball with the Tulsa Baseball Club and also an all-Native American team.

There have been a number of people that have been influential in his life and have shaped him into the young man he is today.

“My biggest role model would have to be my dad, Mick Wilson,” he said. “He has taught me to work hard and be respectful. He has always encouraged me to seek leadership opportunities both on and off the field.

My high school coach, John Potocnik and assistant coaches, Danny Morgan and Jason Doctor have taught me about life and baseball. In the classroom, Ms. Christa Humphrey is such a positive and uplifting teacher. We have so many outstanding teachers at Booker T. Washington, that’s a tough question. In my opinion, our faculty is the best in the state.”

The future is bright for Parker and he has a couple of options of what he will do once his high school days are over.

“Although I signed with Mid-Plains Community College in McCook, Nebraska, I am still waiting for possible acceptance to the United States Coast Guard Academy,” he stated. “Playing baseball while serving my country is another dream of mine. Either option will provide me an opportunity for a successful future.”