Q&A with Webster’s McKenzie Walling – Presented by Arnold’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers

By: Hunter Ferguson

Webster athlete McKenzie Walling interviewed with VYPE.
VYPE: What are your personal goals for the year?
My personal goal for the year is to make my senior as amazing as it can possible, by participating in basketball and supporting my peers at events, also participating in student council, and possibly getting excepted to college.

VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?
My favorite athletic memory would have to be going out to eat with my teammates after games. Just hanging out and making memories.

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why?
The teammates that have made the biggest impression on me would have to be Osrine Corner for always supporting me and helping me with my shots. Also Jayann because we always keep each other motivated.

VYPE: What is your favorite part of being on this team?
My favorite part of being on the team is how it keeps me active and it’s a great way to make memories for my senior year.

VYPE: Do you participate in any community service projects?
I am involved in my church’s youth group. I am involved in my church because it helps me grow my relationship with God.

VYPE: What has your sport taught you that you use in your daily life?
My sport has taught me to be persistent and motivated. This helps me in my daily life when it comes to work, school, or just life in general by reminding me to keep going and that life is trial and error to just keep working.

VYPE: What is the best advice that anyone has given you?
The best advice anyone has given me is to believe in myself and accomplish anything I set my mind to.

VYPE: Who inspires you and why?
My parents inspired by setting a good example and guiding me in the right path. My friend Jordyn inspires me to be more interested in my education. Finally, my friends cami and jwan inspire me to keep going and keep a smile on my face.