Broken Arrow’s Emily Evans – Softball Spotlight – Presented by Hayhurst Funeral Home

From the moment she picked up a softball at the age of seven, Emily Evans of Broken Arrow High School knew she had found her passion. “I started softball when I was seven and ever since I started, I loved the game and wanted to play in college!”

As a senior, Emily now stands as a cornerstone of her team, both on and off the field. “Our team this year is very strong together and we all cheer and push each other on and off the field!” She sees herself as a leader, guiding her teammates by example and fostering a supportive environment. “I have seen myself as a leader since day one, and I play this role by leading by example and encouraging others to be the best they can be.”

One of the most challenging moments of her career was a tough loss in her sophomore year. “The most challenging part of my softball career is when we lost in the state championship my sophomore year. It was very hard losing that game, but also losing the seniors. I have overcome this by working every day to be better the next year.” Her resilience paid off in memorable ways, such as a thrilling extra-innings game against Mustang. “One memorable moment of mine from last year is when we played Mustang. We played them for nine innings, and we kept on going back and forth. But late in the game, I hit a double to tie the game up, everyone was hype in the game and had a lot of energy, and we ended up winning the game!”

Looking ahead, Emily’s future is bright. “I see myself playing softball at Missouri State University. I committed to Missouri State last October, I loved every bit of it, from softball to the school. Outside of school, I see myself being a coach for a team.” 

Emily takes pride in her team’s consistent performance and her own accolades. “I’m most proud of Broken Arrow softball for making the state tournament every year. It shows how hard we work every year. From my career, I’m proud of winning Defensive Player of the Year my sophomore year.” As she prepares for the next chapter at Missouri State University, she remains grateful for the support of her family and coaches. “I would like to thank my parents for being there throughout my softball journey. They have been very supportive and have done a lot for me to be where I’m at now!”