Broken Arrow’s Sawyer Harris – FFA Spotlight – Presented by Stewart Martin, Kubota

The Future Farmers of America program is one that offers high school students the opportunity to learn more about farming and agriculture. While its focus is on agriculture, students also are taught the importance of leadership, public speaking, and other life skills that they can use for the rest of their lives.

Sawyer Harris is a junior at Broken Arrow High School and he is a part of the Broken Arrow chapter of the FFA. He says that he joined the program because it seemed like something he would enjoy.

“There was not really anything specific that made me join,” he said. “I just thought that it sounded like something fun to do.”

There have been people in Harris’ life that have helped shape him into the person that he is today. But he has two people that have had the biggest impact on him.

“The biggest role models for me would have to be my parents,” he said. “They have taught me most of what I know and I am very thankful for them.”

Sawyer is involved in a few different areas and activities within the FFA.

“I do a little bit of everything in the FFA,” he said. “But I do a lot of welding. One of my favorite memories from FFA is going to the welding rodeos. They are really a lot of fun.”

As a member of the FFA program overall and the Broken Arrow chapter specifically, Harris knows that it is important to be a good representative of both. “It means to do good and do the right thing, even when no one is watching.