Charles Page’s Aleyah Millikin – Track Spotlight – Presented by Inkwell

Aleyah Millikin- Charles Page High School

One of the biggest lessons athletes learn from their sport is to never give up. Aleyah Millikin is no exception. “Learning to persevere even when things get hard,” she says, is the best life lesson track has given her. 

Aleyah is a sophomore at Charles Page High School, in Sand Springs. She enjoys making lasting bonds with her teammates. Her passion for track is simple, “it is something I’m good at,” she said.

Aleyah started running track in the seventh grade when her brother’s football coaches encouraged her to join. From thereshe discovered a new ability. She credits her current coach with helping to improve her skill. Coach Avery is helping her reach the next level and for that Aleyah is thankful. 

The teammate to leave the biggest impression is Kelsi Hilton. “She is the kindest and most encouraging person on our team. She is always cheering for everyone,” said Aleyah.

Representing CPHS as a student athlete is Aleyah’s chance to make her school proud. She has made many memories and personal achievements in her time running track, but she says the best moments have been congratulating her friends and teammates when they do good.

Aleyah looks up to track and field Olympian, Allyson Felix, because she runs 400’s. Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Humphrey. “She was an amazing teacher who treated everyone with the same respect,” she said.

She is most inspired by her mom. “My mom does so many things for me and my siblings. She tries her hardest to be perfect for us even though she is perfect the way she is,” said Aleyah.

Spending time traveling with her family and friends is how she would like to spend summer vacation. Her dream location is the Bahamas. In the meantime, she will enjoy hanging out with friends and eating her favorite meal of lasagna with garlic bread. 

In addition to track, Aleyah is an athletic trainer for the football team.