VYPE: Tessa, what grade are you this year and when did you start wrestling?
Tessa Urrey: I am a junior, and I started wrestling my sophomore year.
VYPE: What have you enjoyed most about the sport?
TU: The thing I enjoy most is the discipline it has taught me, and that no matter what that
you just have to persevere.
VYPE: What are your strengths and what have you improved on the most this season?
TU: I am still relatively new to wrestling but I have most improved on my ability to fight
out a tough match.
VYPE: What makes CPHS a great place for you as a student-athlete?
TU: CPHS is great for a student athlete because we have a very supportive coaching/
teaching staff who are all very good at what they do and in overall character whether it be
on the mat, field, or in the classroom.
VYPE: Which teammate has really impressed you this season?
TU: Ambrielle Chambers is someone who constantly impresses me with her style of
wrestling which I can only describe as beastly.
VYPE: Who keeps everyone laughing in the wrestling room and who is the most serious?
TU: I would say my funniest teammate is hands down Rowan Hull. She brightens my day
every time I hear her say literally anything. My most serious has to be Lyla Waldren, every
time I see her, she’s locked in.
VYPE: How do you mentally prepare for a match?
TU: Mentally, I have to remind myself what I am physically capable of and follow it up by
listening to a few hype songs.
VYPE: What do you love most about your teammates?
TU: The thing I love most about my teammates is going to be how close knit we are as a
team, because a lot of us are genuinely friends outside of wrestling, as well as being
supportive one another.
VYPE: What’s the goal for life after high school?
TU: My life’s goal for after high school is to become a school counselor, because they offer
so much support for kids and I wouldn’t love to do that.
VYPE: Who inspires you on or off the mat?
TU: Amit Alor is an Olympic gold medalist for wrestling, and she inspires me because she’s
showed me that you have to keep going no matter what in order to get where you desire to
VYPE: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
TU: On the mat I am most proud of my winning record.