Union’s Jordan Schelling – Football Spotlight – Presented by Kerry Engelson – Shelter Insurance

Jordan Schelling-Union High School

When people hear about Union High School football, the first thing that comes to mind is that they are a powerhouse program. Running back, Jordan Schelling, is proud to represent his school by “helping to continue the reputation that Union is one of the best football teams in the country,” he said.

Under the leadership of coach Fridrich, UHS has earned many state titles proving themselves on the field and setting a standard other teams try to emulate. Jordan puts in the work to help continue this tradition. He is in the Class of 2025 and is ready to be a senior leader for his team.

Jordan’s first sport was baseball, but he quickly tried football. He knew immediately he had found his sport. Football taught Jordan lessons he uses in everyday life. The most important he says is “to never give up no matter what.”

The brotherhood and camaraderie built with teammates is his favorite part of being on a team. Brotherhood builds trust. With trust comes momentum, which leads to success. The best memories come during this success. Jordan will always look back at scoring on a long run against Jenks in the ‘Backyard Bowl’ as one of his favorite game memories.

Jordan is passionate about football. He puts in the work while giving all the credit for his talent to God. He trusts in the advice to follow Jesus Christ with all his heart. “I just love the game. It is what God has blessed me with the abilities to succeed at. Thank you, Jesus, for always being there for me,” he said.

Jordan also wants to say a special thanks to his dad who most inspires him. Jordan is proud of his dad’s service to our country. “My dad is a retired Marine and has always been there for me,” says Jordan.

The teammate who leaves the biggest impression is Lane Wood. Jordan describes Lane as always being helpful to everyone and is just a great teammate. The professional athlete Jordan looks up to is NFL running back Derrick Henry. “I like his style of play and how he prepares,” said Jordan.

Junior year history teacher, Mr. Jestice, is Jordan’s favorite teacher. “Mr. Jestice is really understanding and nice,” he says.

In addition to playing football, Jordan is on the UHS track team. Outside of school Jordan volunteers with the Special Olympics and is active in his church.