KIPP Tulsa’s Mackenzie Lovett – Basketball Spotlight – Presented by Patriot Auto

Mackenzie Lovett

KIPP Tulsa

The KIPP Tulsa basketball players have come on the scene and made a big splash with their play on the court. One player, Mackenzie Lovett, is now a senior and someone who many feel should take her talents to the next level.

A combo guard, Lovett has the tools to make it. She started playing basketball in kindergarten. The senior said she has enjoyed playing in high school and has made some great memories with all of her teammates.

“My favorite memory as a player for KIPP is last year when we made it to state. This meant a lot to us,” Lovett said. “What makes KIPP a great place for me as a student athlete is the community and its support.”

Lovett is quick to point out her teammates and what they mean to her and team.

“A teammate that has impressed me this season is Cam’reigh Hammon, she’s a sophomore guard who is a really good player,” said Lovett. “A teammate that keeps everyone laughing is Zowie, but there is not a single serious person on our team. We are always laughing. Something I love most about all my teammates is how we all have each other’s back. We are family.”

Lovett said she prepares to play by reading her Bible, praying and listening to music. In school her favorite subject to study is English. As for her future, Lovett said she is looking forward to attending college.

“My goal for life after high school is to graduate college with a degree in psychology to become a therapist, while also scaling my businesses to six figures. Lovett owns a clothing brand and a sneaker customizing business.